Reading - Virtual Library, Book Bands, English Glossary, Ready Reads, Borrowbox

Please click on the link below to access the

Beechfield Virtual Library 

The information below explains the book bands we use at Beechfield.

The glossary includes all the technical grammatical terms used in the programmes of study for English.

North Watford Library is available for a Government approved Ready Reads service - We select you collect. 

If children do not already have library membership this can be done online very easily by visiting our website and joining up before requesting the Ready Reads. 

Once registered a temporary number will be given to you, this will allow you access to the online Library services and Ready Reads service.

Parents can order books for their child and themselves using an online form and then collect from a selected library. The books are collected at the library entrance and you are expected to provide your own bag. Staff will remain socially distant and will be wearing face coverings during the collection process.

This service is proving incredibly popular and we are already supporting families with some home schooling and plenty of reading for pleasure requests including

    • Any books about the Polar regions to help us with home schooling would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
    • She is 6 and half, in year two, could you please choose some reading books for home schooling, she currently reads around 5-10 words per page? thank you

We are able to supply age appropriate reading books rather than specific school reading schemes and will do our best to match our available books to specific subject requests, based on stock in our libraries. This will need to be on a first come, first served basis and any notes added onto the request form by the requester will aid us in selecting their books.

If families are unable to access online services, please encourage them to contact us on   0300 123 4049 and a member of our team will be able to help fill out the form.

Library membership  also enables  access  to our free e-library where  Children can  read or listen to books from BorrowBox

Details of  library opening times and up to date information  can be found on our website

North Watford Library has a fantastic range of new books on offer to support reading for pleasure, home schooling and your child’s wellbeing, all for free.

Jane Gaskell, Assistant Customer Services Supervisor, North Watford Library

North Watford Library, St Albans Road, Watford, WD24 7RW

t: 01438 864856  Comnet / Internal: 74856

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