British Values at Beechfield

The DFE requires schools to ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation for all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual
respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’. At Beechfield we are committed to promoting values which ensure our pupils develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility   will prepare them for life in modern Britain.


  • Pupil voice is actively sought through Junior Leadership Team meetings, subject monitoring, annual pupil questionnaire. Children are confident to approach staff and share their ideas for improving the school. .
  • Adult voice is valued through Parent Voice and regular parent coffee mornings. Our Staff Council meets half termly. Staff and parents also have opportunities to express their views and opinions through annual questionnaires. There is an open door policy at Beechfield where parents, staff and children are able to talk to the staff whenever they need to.

The Rule of Law

  • The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is consistently reinforced at Beechfield. Pupils are taught from Nursery the rules of the school. These are: Be safe, Be kind, work hard and love learning. These are our class rules, playground rules and general safety rules. All of the children know them.
  • Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
  • Visits from the local magistrate and authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty

  • Our Behaviour Policy is built on the principle that children are responsible for their own actions and choices and that these have consequences. The school sanctions system provides reflection time where pupils are able to think about the impact of their choices.
  • During PSHE, E- Safety lessons and Assemblies pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe whilst they exercise their rights and personal freedoms.
  • Safeguarding is embedded in every aspect of life at the school.

 Mutual Respect

  • Be kind is our top school rule. The children know this means being kind to themselves, others and the environment.
  • PSHE and assemblies focus on respect to help pupils understand what this means and how it is shown in everyday life. It is also reinforced daily through adult modelling.
  • Kindness, tolerance and respect is expected at all times from the entire school community,

Tolerance of different faiths and Beliefs

  • We are a diverse school with over 47 languages spoken. We actively promote our diversity through our celebrations of different faiths, cultures and languages. Children and adults of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.
  • Religious Education lessons and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. The children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.
  • Our pupils make good progress, their home languages  and backgrounds are acknowledged and all pupils are well supported