Celebrations and Awards
We recognise that positive strategies encourage sensible choices and personal responsibility. They make children feel valued and appreciated. Good behaviour is expected at all times and is acknowledged through:
· Verbal praise, constructive feedback from adults and peers, promotion of a Growth Mind-set.
· Advertising the behaviours/learning attitudes we want to see.
· Written comments on the children’s work, visits to the Headteacher , SLT and other staff to share good work.
· Special responsibilities within the class, class jobs, House Captains, Peer Mediators.
· Personalised whole class rewards system.
· Small rewards such as merits, stickers or house points for effort, helpfulness, achievement.
· The winners of the house point competition are announced weekly in Friday assembly
· Informing parents of achievements through a note, Marvellous ME, an email, telephone call or face-to-face.
· Star of the Week, certificates, Headteacher Awards and 5 Keys to Wellbeing certificates are presented in Celebration assemblies as well as sharing examples of good work and effort.