General E-Safety Information for Parents and Guardians
These sites are aimed at giving general advice and tips about keeping children safe online and when using their own devices. Many of these sites offer more specific information which allows you and your child to go more in-depth in areas that are relevant to you and your family.
Interland is a fantastic game that teaches children in an engaging way about how to stay safe online. It was developed by Google with the aim of making young people responsible digital citizens.
SKIPs Safety Net This is a great website with lots of different tools for parents, carers and children to learn more about how to stay safe online.
Young Minds Guide A page from Young Minds that focusses on Internet and social media safety from a mental health and wellbeing perspective. Spending an increasing amount of time at home, it is important to strike the balance when it comes to screen time and time spent online.
ChildNet Parents and Carers A wide-ranging page with ideas about keeping your children safe online as well as ways in which you can any Internet safety concerns that you may have.
NSPCC Online Safety this page has a great deal of information for parents about setting up parental controls and blocks as well as guides to the latest apps and social media platforms that are increasing in popularity