For everyone to be confident, excited mathematicians who notice patterns, make connections and are brave enough to make mistakes.
The intent of our Maths curriculum is for every child to leave our school with the skills, knowledge and resilience required to solve problems involving Maths both within lessons and in the wider world. We are working with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics to further develop our Mastery approach to teaching Maths. We us our Mastery approach to support our planning and to ensure our children are developing a deep understanding of The National Curriculum for Maths. Those students who grasp concepts quickly, are encouraged to think broadly and deeply about concepts and apply them to range of increasingly complex problems. All children use resources to support a deep conceptual understanding of Maths.
We use the following websites to support our learning in Maths. Children have their own logins and can access them both at home and in school.
Please find below, the Progression of Skills and Knowledge Documents
Times-tables Parents Meeting video